Local High School and IAQ
- Complaints of eye problems, throat and nose irritation,
fatigue, headaches, general discomfort.
- Frequent phone calls from parents
- Staff and students sleeping more than usual
- Staff frustration and irritation at school maintenance
- Perceived lack of cooperation from school board
- Cries for "more testing"
Staff Meeting with School Board
- Frustration of staff expressed
- Anger from staff at perceived lack of concern
- Frustration of school board personnel because of inability
to find problems
- Demands for more testing
- Variety of symptoms
- In-service on Pilot for "Tools for Schools"
Successes and Hurdles
- Curtains, carpets, heating vents, cleaning supplies, photocopiers,
temperature control
- Working with cleaning staff, individual students, individual
- Perception of staff
- Nay sayers
- Student survey from local university
- Parental concern and student desire to close school
- Temperature control in outer office
Keys to Success
- Student participation
- Telephoning concerned parent
- Quashing hysteria
- Working with cleaning staff, teaching staff
- Empathy and concern for complainers
First Steps at the Local High School
- Temperature monitoring
- Morning warm-up set earlier
- Carpet removal in some classes
- Drapes cleaned
- Locker cleaning
- Scent reduction
- Posters about IAQ
- Teacher habits discussed:
- Temperature monitors blocked
- Paper and dust build-up
- Pack rats
- Drinking water
- Wood room desks away from radiators
Problems That Persist
- Dust in gym
- Air dry
- Leaking ceilings some carpets still present