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Our group examined the Sydney Tar Ponds cleanup. This site is also referred to as the Muggah Creek Watershed which more aptly describes the geographical area which is home to one of the largests environmental hazards in North America. Through interviews, a guided tour of the contaminated site, and a literature review, the group was able to gather a substantial amount of information on the subject. As a group, we feel more informed about the seriousness of the environmental concerns related to the Muggah Creek Watershed. We found it ironic that all of us live in the Sydney area but knew little about this issue.

The process required to review the issues surrounding the clean-up of the Muggah Creek Watershed provided ample opportunity for learning. In addition to developing a better appreciation for the issues. We found the project to be helpful in developing our literacy skills and our competency in web page development. Our literacy skills were enhanced as we had to search, selectively choose, and summarize vast amounts of information. We had to recognize potential biases in an effort to provide a balanced report on the issue. We shared our writing with each other which allowed for critical review in a safe and supportive environment. We have improved our ability to organize and present information in a coherent and logical format. We have also advanced our knowledge of web page development as a literacy tool. This knowledge may be used in our teaching.

As our final comments on this project, we would be remiss if we did not recognize the development of the group as a team. Each of us brought different skills to the project. We hadn't worked together as a group before, but within a short timeframe became comfortable with our roles in furthering the project goals. The learning was both productive and enjoyable. We hope that the information in our website will be useful to others who are interested in finding out more about the Muggah Creek Watershed. We hope you enjoy our "Toxic Tour."

[Tar Ponds]