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Interview with Brian Boudreau
(Deputy Mayor of Sydney)

1. Is there a human health hazard to living near the Tar Ponds?

Hopefully if there are problems it is only on Frederick Street. You hear the name 'Cancer City' but until we get the facts its unfair to prejudge.

2. What 3 things should the public be aware of regarding the tar ponds? Which of these is your major concern?

1) The clean-up
2) JAG
3) The roles of the three levels of government regarding the clean-up.

Clean-up is my major concern.

3. Is JAG fulfilling it's mandate?

To date, that's a difficult question. I feel however, that JAG is on the border of achieving great things. The people in the community tend sometimes to overreact due to their own personal concerns. On the other hand, JAG, under the tremendous leadership of Bucky Buchanan has the potential of becoming world renowned.

4. Why do you think the name changed from Sydney Tar Ponds Clean UP Inc. to Sydney Environmental Resource Ltd.?

No comment. I don't know the details at this time.

5. Do you think that people are getting accurate information?

I know that government sources are giving correct information however, there are a few individuals in the community who are scaring people by promoting their own personal agenda. The media, of course, tends to look on the negative side. However, it's important to remember that their job is to not only report the news but to promote it.

6. Why has it taken so long to clean it up?

I think it's important to be sure that we are taking the proper clean-up route before taking action.

7. What method is best for clean-up?

No comment. I would rather rely on the educated people in that field to decide what is the best thing to do on how to clean up that site.

8. Why did it take so long to recognize the problem?

I believe the problem was "realized" just not "recognized" for a couple of reasons. The support for clean-up or concern about it just wasn't there. What was there, was the need for employment and a plant that supplied the demand.

9. What are your sources of information regarding the Tar Ponds?

I get my information from the three levels of government. I don't listen to "hearsay" or from people who think they know what they're talking about.

10. Will the problem ever be resolved?

Yes, I think it will.

11. What do you see as the major stumbling block to clean-up?

Money and technology are the main stumbling blocks. Public opinion created through 'Talk Back' (a local radio broadcast) has generated some false opinions. Individuals think that what the people on 'Talk Back' say is true but they don't have all the facts.

12. Should the people of Frederick Street be relocated? If so how and who is responsible?

The people should be relocated if it is decided by the proper professionals that the need exists. In such a case, JAG would oversee the move and the Federal and Provincial governments would be responsible for the costs. At least that is how I see things. We are all very concerned about the residents of Frederick Street and all of Whitney Pier for that matter. One thing I do know is that, if I lived on Frederick Street, I simply would not stay there with my children. If the health risks are so real why would anyone stay with their children? No-one is forcing those residents on Frederick Street to stay. They could investigate the option of receiving aid from regional housing and seek compensation later.
