Dr. Judith M. Newman

Websites in Nipissing Presentation

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the
Third Annual Dr. J. R. McCarthy Lecture
Nipissing University, North Bay, ON

The PowerPoint presentation given at Nipissing University is online here:

Russ Hunt's current course site: Written Communication: How Texts Work

Another of Russ Hunt's course websites showing a "forum" in action

Truth in Society - a first year course in St. Thomas University's Aquinas Programme

The way into the University of Iowa's site on "Teaching With Innovative Style and Technology"

Be sure to check out TWISTS's resources

This page links you to two interactive summer institutes which I taught at MSVU.
They illustrate collaborative investigation.

This site lays out a brief overview of information technology uses in education

LearnScope is a Government of Australia dedicated to learn about the
applications of technologies for flexible teaching and learning. Explore the site.
There are some useful resources there as well as an opportunity to
join the learning community.

Dr. Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan has done some interesting innovation
using email "games" for learning. This link connects you to his page with
information on how he conducts these games.

The TeacherWeb allows you to create a website in about 5 minutes.
I learned abou this site from a junior high school teacher friend of mine.

Here is the quick website I created using TeacherWeb

This last link is to the Logo Foundation site.
Logo has been largely forgotten as a learning resourse and I think it offers wonderful
opportunities for kids to explore the world of computer graphics in very exciting ways.