Creating Technology-Supported ClassroomsThe ReadingsPart
One Barnes, Douglas 1988 Knowledge as Action. In: Martin Lightfoot & Nancy Martin (Eds) The Word for Teaching is Learning. Portsmouth NH: Boynton/Cook: 14-32. Bissex, Glenda 1988 On Learning and Not Learning from Teaching. Language Arts, 65(8): 771-Newman, Judith M. 1987 Learning to Teach by Uncovering Our Assumptions. Language Arts, 64 (7): 727-737. Bruner, Jerome 1985 Models of the Learner. Educational Researcher June/July: 5-8. Cardellichio, Thomas L. 1995 Curriculum and The Structure of School. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(8): 629-632. Conroy, Frank 1991 Think About It: Ways We Know, and Don't. Harper's Magazine, Nov: 68-70. Dewey, John 1939 (1963) Criteria of Experience. In: Experience & Education. New York: Collier Books: 33-50. Duckworth, Eleanor 1987 The Having of Wonderful Ideas. In: The Having of Wonderful Ideas & Other Essays on Teaching & Learning. New York: Teachers College Press: 1-14. Kohl. Herbert 1994 I wonít Learn from You. In: I Wonít Learn From You. New York: The New Press: 1-32. Newman, Judith M. 1987 Learning to Teach by Uncovering Our Assumptions. Language Arts 64(7): 727-737. [ Top ] Boomer, Garth 1992 Negotiating the Curriculum. In: Garth Boomer, Nancy Lester, Cynthia Onore & Jon Cook (Eds) Negotiating the Curriculum: Educating for the 21st Century. London: The Falmer Press: 4-14. Darling-Hammond, Linda 1993 Reframing the School Reform Agenda. Phi Delta Kappan, June: 753-761. Meier, Deborah 1996 Supposing That... Phi Delta Kappan 78(4): 271-276. Sirotnik, Kenneth 1988 What Goes On in Classrooms? Is This the Way We Want It? In: Landon E. Beyer & Michael W. Apple (Eds) The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press: 56-74. Smith, Frank 1988 Collaboration in the Classroom. In: Joining the Literacy Club. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books: 64-79. Tobias, Sheila 1993 What Makes Science "Hard"? Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 87(5): 327-338. Young, Michael 1976 Curriculum Change: Limits and Possibilities. In: Dale, Roger et al (Eds) Schooling and Capitalism: A Sociological Reader. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul: 185-191 [ Top ] Edwards, Derek & Neil Mercer 1987 Conclusions and Implications. Common Knowledge: The Development of Understanding in the Classroom. London: Methuen: 160-170. Wells, Gordon & Gen Ling Chang-Wells 1992 Talk for Learning and Teaching. In: Constructing Knowledge Together: Clasrooms as Centers of Inquiry and Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books: 26-52. [ Top ] Belenky, Mary Field et al 1986 Connected Teaching. In: Women's Ways of Knowing. New York: Basic Books: 214-229. Duckworth, Eleanor 1991 Twenty-four, Forty-two, and I Love You: Keeping it Complex. Harvard Educational Review, 61(1): 1-24. Picone, John 1990 Knowledge, Skills, or Judgement. Canadian Council of Teachers of English Newsletter, 23(1/2): 1-2. [ Top ] Part
Five Bigelow, Bill 1997 The Human Lives Behind the Labels: The Global Sweatshop, Nike, and the Race to the Bottom. Phi Delta Kappan 79(2): 112- 119. Chenfeld, Mimi Brodsky 1997 Telling Time. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(6): 475. Deal, Debby & Donna Sterling 1997 Kids Ask the Best Questions. Educational Leadership 54(6): 61-63. Dunn, J. A. C. 1991 Foxfire: The Harvest of Eliot Wigginton. Country Journal, March/April: 28-33. Watson, Bruce & Richard Konicek 1990 Teaching for Conceptual Change: Confronting Childrenís Experience. Phi Delta Kappan (May): 680-685. Zahorik, John 1997 Engouragingóand ChallengingóStudentsí Understandings. Educational Leadership 54(6): 30-32. [ Top ] Part
Six Barell, John 1995 Critical Issues:
Working Toward Student Self-Direction and Personal Efficacy as
Educational Goals. Cook, Jon 1992 Negotiating the Curriculum: Programming for Learning. In: Garth Boomer, Nancy Lester, Cynthia Onore & Jon Cook (Eds) Negotiating the Curriculum: Educating for the 21st Century. London: The Falmer Press: 15-31. Newman, Judith M. 1997 Building Supportive Classroom. Teaching Today for Tomorrow. v.9. Rudduck, Jean 1991 Helping Pupils Manage the Transition to Enquiry-based Learning. In: Innovation and Change. Toronto: OISE Press: 68-80. [ Top ] Part
Seven Barab, Sasha & Anita Landa 1997 Designing Effective Interdisciplinary Anchors. Educational Leadership 54(6): 52-55. -----1993 What ís Essential? Integrating the Curriculum in Essential Schools. CES: Publications: Horace: 9-4: Integrating the Curriculum in Essential Schools. Newman, Judith M. 1998 Interdisciplinary Units: Some Internet Sites. Unpublished Manuscript. [ Top ] Part
Eight Apple, Michael 1988 Teaching and Technology: The Hidden Effects of Computers on Teachers and Students. In: Landon Beyer & Michael Apple (Eds) The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany: State University of New York Press: 289-311. Ehrmann, Stephen C. 1995 The Bad Option and the Good Option. Educom Review 30(5) Mehlinger, Howard 1996 School Reform in the Information Age. Phi Delta Kappan 77(6): 400-407. Oppenheimer, Todd 1997 The Computer Delusion. Atlantic Monthly, 280(1): 45-62. Streibel, Michael 1988 A Critical Analysis of Three Approaches to the Use of Computers in Education. In: Landon Beyer & Michael Apple (Eds) The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany: State University of New York Press: 259-288. ----- 1999 Web Wonders: Integrating Technology into the Curriculum. Educational Leadership 56(5) [ Top ] Part
Nine Burbules, Nicholas, C. & Bertram C. Bruce 1998 Theory and Research on Teaching as Dialogue Burniske, R. W. The Shadow Play: How the Integration of Technology Annihilates Debate in Our Schools. Phi Delta Kappan. Bushweller, Kevin 1999 Digital Deception: The Internet makes cheating easier than ever. (March 1999) Grennon Brooks, Jacqueline & Martin G. Brooks 1994 The Case for Constructivist Classrooms Maurer, Matthew & George Davidson 1999 Technology, Children, and the Power of the Heart. Phi Delta Kappan. McNabb, Mary, L. 1996 Perspectives
about Education Monke, Lowell 1997 The Web and the Plow. Teacher Magazine on the Web. Newman, Judith M. 1999 A Garden Path? Information Technology and Education. Roszak, Theodore 1996 Dumbins Us Down. New Internationalist, #286: 12-14. Ryder, Martin & Brent Wilson 1996 Affordances and Constraints of the Internet for Learning and Instruction Sirotnik, Kenneth A. 1999 Making Sense of Educational Renewal Smith, Frank 1995 What Good Is a Teacher in the Information Age? In: Between Hope and Havoc. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books: 65-77. Thiagi, Sivasailam 1998 The Secrets
of Successful Facilitators. Wilson, Brent 1998 Creating Technology-Supported Learning Communities. Adapted from an early draft of a chapter from a book by David H. Jonassen, Kyle C. Peck, and Brent G. Wilson, Learning with technology in the classroom: A constructivist perspective. New York: Merrill/Prentice-Hall. [ Top ] |
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