Dr. Judith M. Newman




Links updated July 25/01

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Biddle, Bruce 1997 Foolishness, Dangerous Nonsense, and Real Correlates of State Differences in Achievement. Phi Delta Kappan 79(1): 9-13.

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Bracey, Gerald W. 1994 The Fourth Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(2): 114-127.

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Clark, Beverly Lyon & Sonja Wiedenhaupt 1992 On Blocking and Unblocking Sonja: A Case Study in Two Voices. College Composition and Communication, 43(1): 55-74.

Cochran-Smith, Marilyn & Susan Lytle 1993 Learning From Teacher Research: A Working Typology. In: Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge. New York: Teachers College Press: 23-40.

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Comber, Barbara 1988 The Continuing Conversation: Choices in Educational Research. Language Arts, 65(8): 776-786.

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Connelly, Michael & Jean Clandinin 1988 Chapter 3: Narrative: Your Personal Curriculum as a Metaphor for Curriculum and Teaching. In: Teachers as Curriculum Planners: Narratives of Experience. Toronto: OISE Press: 24-32.

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Darling-Hammond, Linda & Beverly Falk 1997 Using Standards and Assessments to Support Student Learning. Phi Delta Kappan 79(3): 190-199.

Darling-Hammond, Linda & Milbrey W. McLaughlin 1995 Policies That Support Professional Development In an Era of Reform. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(8): 597-604.

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Darling-Hammond, Linda 1996 The Right to Learn and the Advancement of Teaching: Research, Policy, and Practice for Democratic Education. Educational Researcher, 25(6): 5-17.

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Levin, Benjamin 1994 Improving Educational Productivity: Putting Students at the Center. Phi Delta Kappan, 75(10): 758-760.

Levin, James & Cathy Thurston 1996 Educational Electronic Networks. Educational Leadership 54(3): 46-50.

Lieberman, Ann 1995 Practices That Support Teacher Development: Transforming Conceptions of Professional Learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(8): 591-596.

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