Dr. Judith M. Newman

Resources For Technical & Business Writing

This website began as a set of links to online resources for business and technical writers. It quickly grew into the equivalent of a handbook for writers of expository prose of all kinds.

As a long-time teacher of writing I find the greatest obstacle many people have with writing is trying to make it "right" the first time—their focus on correctness makes writing much more difficult than it needs to be. Consequently, in this set of materials, I have included a section on Writing Process. Take time to read through these pages—they provide some understanding of how writing ought to be done.

The Resources

This website consists of:

  • information on writing: a description of different writing paradigms, a list of myths about writing, and several pages on the writing process
  • specific information for business and technical writing
  • a section on writing conventions: spelling, style, punctuation, grammar, etc.
  • links to a wealth of online writing resources