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Interview with Juanita McKenzie

1. Is there a human health hazard to living near the tar ponds?

Yes, even the government says this through their posting of signs.

2. What three things should the public be aware of re: the tar ponds? Which of these is your major concern?

The public should be aware that 1) an environmental problem exists here in Sydney. 2) the public needs to know what their rights are for themselves and their community. 3) we need to work one on one with the government to solve the problem.

My major concern is health. The public should be honestly made aware of the risks associated with the site.

3. Is JAG fulfilling it 's mandate?

JAG is a committee formed by the government. It answers first and foremost to the government. The government overshadows the people it was put there to protect.

4. Why do you think the name changed from Sydney Tar Ponds Clean Up Inc. to Sydney Environmental Resource Ltd.?

The name sounds prettier. It doesn't sound as scary to someone who doesn't know the area. It sounds like these people are helping the environment.

5. Do you think the people are getting accurate information?

No, the public are hearing what the government wants them to hear. They don't want the public to know the whole truth. The whole truth would cause mass hysteria. (Ms. McKenzie then showed us a 2" thick report of everything that is wrong on Frederick Street.) The reason for alarm is that found substances are over the acceptable guidelines but government insists they are within the limits. Based on my reading of this report, I feel the government has no right to say this area is safe.

6. Why has it taken so long to clean it up?

No one knows what they are dealing with. They don't know what to do. I think it's bigger than anyone knows what to do with.

7.What method is best for clean up?

I do not trust the government with incineration. The government has a standard for themselves and a different one for everyone else. I have no opinion on a best method.

8. Why did it take so long to recognize the problem?

The public was never made aware of the problem. Two years ago, a plan was made to move the coke ovens and build a park on the site. Things looked good for this area. No one feared the area.

9. What are your sources of information regarding the tar ponds?

Assessment of source of contamination July, 1998, Cape Breton Environmental Group. The Beaton Institute, JAG, people who worked at the steel plant, and some who are dying as a result of working at the coke ovens.

10. Will the problem ever be resolved?

No, until everyone, the public takes the blinders off and realizes that there is a huge problem. Not only for Frederick Street and the Pier, The problem exists for the whole of Cape Breton. People are dying here and can't see it. Far reaching emissions have to travel in the air. Immediate fall out happens here and then spreads through the air.

11. What is your major concern with the tar ponds?

The coke ovens site. The old company disposed of chemicals and left them dormant. I look out at night and see fires popping up. Spontaneous combustion is occurring. Mike Britton says there is 100 miles of unpurged pipe in this area. They are corroding and leaking into the ground. I fear this area of Sydney could blow up tomorrow and the rest of the area wouldn't give a damn.

12. What do you see as the major stumbling block to the clean up? The government has to get over itself and say this is a problem. Who is going to take responsibility? Federal, Provincial, or Municipal? The problem belongs to all.
