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Interview With George Hennick
(S.E.R.L. Employee)

1. Is there a human health hazard to living near the tar ponds?

No comment.

2. What 3 things should the public be aware of regarding the tar ponds?
Which of these is your major concern?

1) The amount of sewage that runs into the tar ponds.
2) How much waste is actually there.
3) What chemicals are present in the ponds. (There are over 3,000)

My major concern is the amount of sewage that runs into the ponds, namely the odor.

3. Is JAG fulfilling its mandate?

Due to the fact that I presently sit on the round table for JAG I don't think I should comment on that right now.

4. Why do you think that the name changed from Sydney Tar Ponds Inc. to Sydney Environmental Resources Ltd.?

The name was changed mainly due to the fact that we no longer have a mandate to clean up the tar ponds site. Our role has been changed and expanded and so it was fitting that the name be changed as well.

5. Do you think that people are getting accurate information?

I feel that as far as the tar ponds are concerned, people are getting accurate information just not enough of it. On the other hand, I don't necessarily believe that people are getting accurate information regarding the incineration process.

6. Why has it taken so long to clean it up?

The problems started with the clogging of the piping leading to the incinerator. This "delayed" the process, and during this time further testing was carried out and a much greater amount of PCB's than previously thought were found in the tar ponds. Due to the fact that Sydney Tar Ponds Ltd. (as it was named at the time) did not have a mandate to dispose of PCB's an alternative method had to be found. It was at this time that JAG became involved in the decision of whether or not to continue.

7. What method is best for clean-up?

JAG is investigating over 200 methods of disposing of the toxic materials. I feel that encapsulation is not going to get rid of the problem and that incineration is probably the most cost effective method.

8. Why did it take so long to recognize the problem?

As I am aware, no sampling was done until the early 1980's.

9. What are your sources of information regarding the Tar Ponds?

We get our information from S.E.R.L and from independent testing.

10. Will the problem ever be resolved?

In my opinion, yes. I think it's an easy problem to be resolved. We have the technology now we just have to use it.

11. What do you see as the major stumbling block to clean-up?

Money is the major problem. Furthermore, the problem is getting larger and is now encompassing the Coke Ovens, landfills, and the watershed. It is becoming too big of an area for clean-up. We would do better to concentrate first on the tar ponds since we have the technology to dispose of it.

12. Should the people of Frederick Street be relocated? If so how and who is responsible?

I have no comment at this time. I feel I need more information before I give my opinion on this matter.
