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Interview with Fran Morrisson
(local environmentalist)

1. Is there a human health hazard to living near the tar ponds?

Yes, chemicals exist here. They include PAH, fumes from the coke ovens site. There is also raw sewage. Symptoms of arsenic are evident. They include hair loss and kidney infection. Intestinal problems and asthma are also evident.

2. What three things should the public be aware of re: the tar ponds? Which of these is your major concern?

The public should be aware of one thing: the health hazard. The area should be cleaned up because of this.

3. Is JAG fulfilling its mandate?

They are trying, but because of the way JAG has evolved over the years, it has become too bureaucratic. While bureaucracy prevails people will continue to get sick.

4. Why do you think the name changed from Sydney Tar Ponds Clean Up Inc. to Sydney Environmental Resource Ltd.?

This is because the mandate of that provincial crown corporation has changed from a clean up operation to maintenance of the incinerator until a decision is made on the clean up method. Part of this mandate is to work with JAG.

5.Do you think that people are getting accurate information?

Elizabeth May of the 'Sierra Club' is giving accurate information. She says it is a crisis situation and should be treated as such.

6.Why has it taken so long to clean it up?

Too many people, for too long , denied there was a problem. They are still denying it. The next big hurdle is process.

7. What method is best for clean up?

We need several methods for the different problems that exist. The problem is too diverse for one method to fix it all.

8. Why did it take so long to recognize the problem?

It has been only in the last few years that weve been making the link between health and the environment. When more people begin to speak, more people will begin to listen.

9. What are your sources of information regarding the tar ponds?

Sydney Environmental Resources Ltd., Steel plant employees, Internet, books, technical studies, and Citizens Clearing House.

10. Will the problem ever be resolved?

I hope so. I dont know. Its awfully big. It is so large and diverse.

11. What is your major concern with the tar ponds?

The health hazard. You know, the fishery was closed in that area.

12. What do you see as the major stumbling block to clean up?

There is a lack of public participation. People aren't nearly angry enough.

13.Should the people of Frederick Street be relocated?

Yes, I would not have stayed one day longer if I found arsenic in my backyard. Whoever created the mess should be responsible for moving the people. They should get fair value for their homes based on a similar home in an area with no known pollutants.
