Dr. Judith M. Newman

Participatory Workshops

A Facilitators' Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS

Originally published by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance

I recently received an email asking for help with "key messages" in facilitating a workshop. As I was answering the email, I decided to google to see what I could find. I came upon the following publication from the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. It's a terrific resource. Here is the link to the original web source:

Because web documents have a precarious existance, I decided to recreate the information here so that others may find it should the original links disappear. The menu on the left provides links to the content housed on this website.

To download this document in pdf format, follow this link (file size 1.15mb).

Participatory Workshops

A Facilitators' Guide to Participatory Workshops with NGOs/CBOs Responding to HIV/AIDS
Published by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.


    1. Understanding participatory approaches to learning
        1.1 What are participatory approaches to learning?
        1.2 Why are participatory approaches used?

    2. Facilitating a participatory workshop
         2.1 Facilitator techniques
         2.2 What makes a good workshop facilitator?
         2.3 What key skills do workshop facilitators need?
             a) Encouraging sharing and learning
             b) Communicating well
             c) Keeping the work practical and relevant
             d) Responding to group dynamics

    3. Preparing and facilitating participatory workshops
        3.1 Identifying the participants
        3.2 Selecting a facilitation team
        3.3 Working with the facilitation team
        3.4 Planning the content of a workshop
        3.5 Preparing for individual sessions
        3.6 Making up a workshop schedule
        3.7 Dealing with logistics
        3.8 Closing a workshop

To download this document in pdf format, follow this link (file size 1.15mb).
[If the above link doesn't work, then click here]

Other Resources

There are a lot of useful resources available which provide assistance with facilitating learning environments.

Newman, Judith (1997) Interwoven Conversations: Learning and Teaching Through Critical Reflection. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press. (Click here for more information)