Dr. Judith M. Newman


Literacy, Curriculum & Technology


Compiled by

Dr. Judith M. Newman



Curriculum as Experience

Barnes, Douglas 1988 Knowledge as Action. In: Martin Lightfoot & Nancy Martin (Eds) The Word for Teaching is Learning. Portsmouth NH: Boynton/Cook: 14-32.

Bissex, Glenda 1988 On Learning and Not Learning from Teaching. Language Arts, 65(8): 771-775.

Bruner, Jerome 1985 Models of the Learner. Educational Researcher June/July: 5-8.

Cardellichio, Thomas L. 1995 Curriculum and The Structure of School. Phi Delta Kappan, 76(8): 629-632.

Dewey, John 1939 (1963) Criteria of Experience. In: Experience & Education. New York: Collier Books: 33-50.

Duckworth, Eleanor 1987 The Having of Wonderful Ideas. In: The Having of Wonderful Ideas & Other Essays on Teaching & Learning. New York: Teachers College Press: 1-14.

Kohl. Herbert 1994 I Won't Learn from You. In: I Won't Learn From You. New York: The New Press: 1-32.

Newman, Judith M. 1987 Learning to Teach by Uncovering Our Assumptions. Language Arts 64(7): 727-737.

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Curriculum:     Issues

Boomer, Garth 1992 Negotiating the Curriculum. In: Garth Boomer, Nancy Lester, Cynthia Onore & Jon Cook (Eds) Negotiating the Curriculum: Educating for the 21st Century. London: The Falmer Press: 4-14.

Darling-Hammond, Linda 1993 Reframing the School Reform Agenda. Phi Delta Kappan, June: 753-761.

Meier, Deborah 1996 Supposing That... Phi Delta Kappan 78(4): 271-276.

Sirotnik, Kenneth 1988 What Goes On in Classrooms? Is This the Way We Want It? In: Landon E. Beyer & Michael W. Apple (Eds) The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press: 56-74.

Smith, Frank 1988 Collaboration in the Classroom. In: Joining the Literacy Club. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books: 64-79.

Tobias, Sheila 1993 What Makes Science "Hard"? Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 87(5): 327-338.

Young, Michael 1976 Curriculum Change: Limits and Possibilities. In: Dale, Roger et al (Eds) Schooling and Capitalism: A Sociological Reader. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul: 185-191

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Common Knowledge

Edwards, Derek & Neil Mercer 1987 Conclusions and Implications. Common Knowledge: The Development of Understanding in the Classroom. London: Methuen: 160-170.

Wells, Gordon & Gen Ling Chang-Wells 1992 Talk for Learning and Teaching. In: Constructing Knowledge Together: Clasrooms as Centers of Inquiry and Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational Books.

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Keeping It Complex

Belenky, Mary Field et al 1986 Connected Teaching. In: Women's Ways of Knowing. New York: Basic Books: 214-229.

Duckworth, Eleanor 1991 Twenty-four, Forty-two, and I Love Your: Keeping it Complex. Harvard Educational Review, 61(1): 1-24.

Picone, John 1990 Knowledge, Skills, or Judgement. Canadian Council of Teachers of English Newsletter, 23(1/2): 1-2.

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Curriculum as Inquiry:     Examples

Bigelow, Bill 1997 The Human Lives Behind the Labels: The Global Sweatshop, Nike, and the Race to the Bottom. Phi Delta Kappan 79(2): 112- 119.

Chenfeld, Mimi Brodsky 1997 Telling Time. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(6): 475.

Deal, Debby & Donna Sterling 1997 Kids Ask the Best Questions. Educational Leadership 54(6): 61-63.

Dunn, J. A. C. 1991 Foxfire: The Harvest of Eliot Wigginton. Country Journal, March/April: 28-33.

Watson, Bruce & Richard Konicek 1990 Teaching for Conceptual Change: Confronting Children's Experience. Phi Delta Kappan (May): 680-685.

Zahorik, John 1997 Engouraging and Challenging Students' Understandings. Educational Leadership 54(6): 30-32.

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Curriculum as Inquiry:    Making It Happen

Barell, John 1995 Critical Issues: Working Toward Student Self-Direction and Personal Efficacy as Educational Goals. http://www.ncrel.org/skrs/areas/issues/students/learning/lr200.htm

Cook, Jon 1992 Negotiating the Curriculum: Programming for Learning. In: Garth Boomer, Nancy Lester, Cynthia Onore & Jon Cook (Eds) Negotiating the Curriculum: Educating for the 21st Century. London: The Falmer Press: 15-31.

Newman, Judith M. 1997 Building Supportive Classroom. Teaching Today for Tomorrow. v.9. http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/~sevenoak/ttt/ttt9.htm#Building

Rudduck, Jean 1991 Helping Pupils Manage the Transition to Enquiry-based Learning. In: Innovation and Change. Toronto: OISE Press: 68-80.

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Interdisciplinary Units

Barab, Sasha & Anita Landa 1997 Designing Effective Interdisciplinary Anchors. Educational Leadership 54(6): 52-55.

-----1993 What ís Essential? Integrating the Curriculum in Essential Schools. CES: Publications: Horace: 9-4: Integrating the Curriculum in Essential Schools. http://www.essentialschools.org/pubs/horace/09/v09n04.html

Newman, Judith M. 1998 Interdisciplinary Units: Some Internet Sites. Unpublished Manuscript.

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Technology:    Issues

Apple, Michael 1988 Teaching and Technology: The Hidden Effects of Computers on Teachers and Students. In: Landon Beyer & Michael Apple (Eds) The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany: State University of New York Press: 289-311.

Streibel, Michael 1988 A Critical Analysis of Three Approaches to the Use of Computers in Education. In: Landon Beyer & Michael Apple (Eds) The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany: State University of New York Press: 259-288.

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Other Readings

Boomer, Garth 1987 Addressing the Problem of Elsewhereness. In: Dixie Goswami & Peter Stillman (Eds) Reclaiming the Classroom: Teacher Research as an Agency for Change. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers, Heinemann: 4-13.

Connelly, Michael & Jean Clandinin 1988 Tools for Reflection: Working by Yourself; Tools for Reflection: Working with Others. In: Teachers as Curriculum Planners: Narratives of Experience. Toronto: OISE Press: 33-58.

Conroy, Frank 1991 Think About It: Ways we know, and don't. Harper's Magazine. November 68-70.

Edelsky, Carole, Karen Draper & Karen Smith 1983 Hookin' 'em in at the Start of School in a 'Whole Language' Classroom. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 14: 257-281.

Newman, Judith M. 1998 Action Research: Exploring the Tensions of Teaching. In: Tensions of Teaching: Beyond Tips to Critical Reflection. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press; New York: Teachers College Press: 1-24.

Stenhouse, Lawrence 1985 What Counts as Research? In: jean Rudduck & David Hopkins (Eds) Research as the BAsis for Teaching. London: Heinemann Educational Books: 8-19.

Stock, Patricia Lambert 1993 The Function of Anecdote in Teacher Research. English Education, 23(5): 173-178 

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