Developed by
Dr. Judith M. Newman

English Quarterly

"For the practitioner, to experiment is to act in order to see what the action leads to. The most fundamental experimental questions is, "What if?"

Donald Schön (The Reflective Practitioner, Basic Books, 1983)

"[Learning] is incidental because we learn when learning is not our primary intention, vicarious because we learn from what someone else does, and collaborative because we learn through others helping us to achieve our own ends."

Frank Smith (Reading Like a Writer, Language Arts, 1983, 60(5): 558-567)

"For the teacher to become a coach, the key ingredient is that the standards of achievement to be mastered must be public, explicit, and shared by both teacher and student."

John S. Mayher (Uncommon Sense. Boynton/Cook, 1990)

"We teach our students to write by allowing them to experience the process of writing."

Donald Murray (Writing as a Process: How Writing Finds its Own Meaning, 1980) in: Eight Approaches to Teaching Composition, NCTE

"[We] become reflective researchers in situations of uncertainty, instability, uniqueness, and conflict.

Donald Schön (The Reflective Practitioner. 1983, Jossey-Bass Publishers)

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